Who are you?
Hi, my name is Stefano Paganini (or Steve, if you like).
Where do you live?
Milano, Italy, Planet Earth.
What’s your job?
I’m a computer consultant, programmer, social media enthusiast, journalist, pro-am photographer, technogeek and, besides that, I’m a human being.
PHP+MySQL, WordPress hacking, Facebook programming, SEO/SEM, journalist since 1985 (yes, I’m sooo old).
I’ve been involved in several projects dealing with web services design, project, building, marketing.
I use Win+Linux+Mac and try to get the best of it.
I’ve been working with Perl, Java and ASP too and a lot of tools I hardly recall all names.
I’ve been tinkering with microcontrollers too (Parallax PICs, namely).
More about you?
Check my Flickr albums here and here, my Youtube channel, @spaganini on Twitter and on Facebook! (or on this blog, by the way).
I love Venice, here’s my Venice Flickr album.