Category Archives: Comedian

iPhone 5 fever? Jimmy Kimmel shows how much people get fooled by an old iPhone 4!

Looks like people get really crazy about iPhone 5! ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel shows in this footage on the road, how much people can be fooled by thinking they’re using a real iPhone 5!

Posted in Apple, Comedian, Digital life, Digital media, iOS 6, iPhone, social habits, Social initiatives, Social Life, Social marketing, Television | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Louis CK’s record: 1 million dollar in 12 days for his show – thanks the ‘Net

You may (or you may not) know Louis CK, an outspoken, 47 yo stand-up comedian. He’s just scored two records at once. On December 10th he launched a brand new idea – and a show too. The idea: sell tickets … Continue reading

Posted in Business Model, Case Study, Charity, Collaborative Work, Comedian, Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, Funding, User Engagement | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment