Category Archives: Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday: an infographics explains its 6 years story

Ok, it’s Cyber Monday (the online version of Black Friday), along with the unavoidable craze but… where did it come from? Mashable just published a cool infographics that recalls Cyber Monday six years, the rise and fall (we’re facing an … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon, Black Friday, Business, Business Intelligence, Business Model, Case Study, Cyber Monday, Economy, Entrepreneurship, Fashion, Financial, Marketing, Media, Online advertisement, Online shopping | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Black Friday aftermath. Shopping as it SHOULDN’T be: Walmart 2011 night turns havoc for $10 deals

We all know Black Fridays shopping turn people craziness on and this year, with the economic downturn it may seem it’s even worst. Mashable reports that Black Friday is starting to look a bit more like Cyber Monday. According to … Continue reading

Posted in Black Friday, Business, Cyber Monday, Online shopping, Report, Social Life, User Engagement, Video, Viral video, Walmart, Youtube | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment