Google is announcing that it will soon end AdMob’s mobile web serving capabilities.

google admobTechCrunch reports: AdMob To Stop Serving Ads To Mobile Web, Google Pushes Developers To Use AdSense.

What’s next in mobile ad strategy?

AdMob is for mobile app developers. AdSense is for mobile web publishers as Google reports.

In 2009, Google $ 750 million acquisition of AdMob, in order to achieve its search advertising business in the mobile applications and mobile network expansion, but in the past year’s run-in period, the overall strategy for Google because of some need to halt the AdMob services, for example, a few months ago Google stopped the download exchange advertising AdMob Today, AdMob mobile advertising network will soon become history.

At the same time, Google announced a timely manner will focus on service AdMob mobile application developers, and mobile search mobile network will be responsible for AdSense publishers. Even after more than a year running, Google is still to clarify the overlap AdMob and AdSense business, but eventually made the above decision.

The mobile application advertising, all AdSense for Mobile Applications Service participants will be transferred to AdMob responsible, said Google, AdMob is now the mobile application developer for major advertising solutions.

Check the original Google announcement.

Thanks to M.C. for the highlight.

[Via TechCrunch]

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