Tag Archives: Amazon

How much economic value & wealth do tech companies build in a second?

The answer to this question come from a dynamic infographics from WorldPayZinc (a mobile payments company) that show in a very appealing and smart way how much does a tech giant (check your favorite) does revenues and profits in a … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon, Business, Business Intelligence, Business Model, Infographic, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social survey, Sony, Startup, Tech industry, Technology, Twitter, Visualization, Wall Street, Web Marketing, Widget, Yahoo | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cloud computing for business: a well thought-out presentation

If you’re somehow wondering how this crazy little/big thing called Cloud will change your life – and your business, anytime soon, check this Slideshare presentation by Ramkumar Lakshminarayanan. Discovering the value of the cloud for the business View more presentations … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon, Business, Business Intelligence, Case Study, Cloud, Cloud computing, Collaborative Work, Data center, Data mining, Data storage, Development, Server farm, Storage, Tech industry | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Upcoming Amazon Tablet? The real anti-iPad?

The tablet wars looked already won by iPad alone, until now. A new player may be entering the tablet arena pretty soon. NY Times reports that Amazon may be releasing its tablet just in time for Christmas. Predictions (or rumors) … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon, Apple, iOS, iOS 5, iPad, iPad 2, Kindle | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment