Tag Archives: flipboard

Flipboard adds Associated Press news & coverage on the 2012 US Presidential Campaign

I’ve been in love with Flipboard since its very first appearance on the iPad (namely, my iPad). It’s one of those apps that really make sense about using an iPad just to browse literally my favorites news sources and has … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Campaign, 2012 Presidential Election, App world, Apple, Business, Digital media, iOS, iOS 5, iPad, iPad 2, iPhone, Media, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Software, Tech industry | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

A new Flipboard-alike from Google?

Robert Scoble reported that Google may be developing a Flipboard-alike – a popular social media browsing app. Propeller is te more likely name for this app aimed at Facebook, Flipboard (maybe the rest of the world) and running both on … Continue reading

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