Tag Archives: IT

Economic downturn? Not for IT & consumer electronics, which will reach $2.1 trillion in 2012 – Gartner reports

ComputerWorld today reports a Gartner projection for 2012: the spending amout for IT, consumer electronics, mobile phones, digital media and services will reach $2.1 trillion by the end of the year. That’s $114 billion more than 2011 (roughly +5%) which … Continue reading

Posted in Brand, Business, Business Intelligence, Business Model, Case Study, Computer, Digital life, Digital media, Digital music, Economy, Entrepreneurship, Gartner, Online storage, Report, Research, Social news, Social survey, Tech industry, Technology, User survey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

IT jobs and hiring: surges up 10% in 2011 – better than expected?

Well, actually, according to Infoworld report and interviews, some bullish estimates set it closer to a +20% in 2011. But, as they say, all that glitters ain’t gold! But don’t make the mistake of thinking that jobs are going begging. … Continue reading

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