Tag Archives: MySpace

Social networking history: how it all began and where it’s heading

This post gives a historical overview of social networking – and some good hints too. Beginning from the very first mail through Geocities – anyone remembers this one? – down to Friendster, MySpace and, of course, Facebook. Oh, by the … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Facebook, Facebook Timeline, History, MySpace, Social Media, Social network, Twitter | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

MySpace’s future? Ask Justin Timberlake, he’s got a plan

Back in 2005, MySpace marked history with News Corp’s original purchase price in excess of $580 million. Giving more headeaches and dismay to Mr. Murdoch, MySpace was sold last week to an advertising network called Specific Media for a mere … Continue reading

Posted in Digital music, Entrepreneurship, Facebook, Marketing, Media, MySpace, News, Social initiatives, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment