Japan earthquake: so many reasons to mourn, pray and think

Earthquakes are part of everyday life in Japan, but nothing seems to compare to what happened two days ago (and is still going on).
Earthquake, tsunamis and now, nuclear plant crisis and meltdown threat.
From the words of Japan’s PM: “Japan is now facing [maybe] the worst event since WWII”.

My heart & mind go to all people killed, injured and affected and their families.

We all should try to think and understand what’s wrong with our lives, the way we use this planet’s resource, the way we invest so little money in R&D about the environment and taking care of people.

“The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.”
Friedrich Hegel (German Philosopher. 1770-1831)

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One Response to Japan earthquake: so many reasons to mourn, pray and think

  1. Japan has shown us the dangers of nuclear energy. I would rather have a coal plant that produces CO2 and water vapor than sitting on a nuke.

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