Kids & parents: social networks and parenting in the Facebook era, a report from UK

facebook parental controlThe Telegraph from UK reports on family relationship and Facebook.
Most parents playing the watchdog role, usually fail to follow their kids’ tracks in social networkdom.
Any trade-off possible? No way.
It’s some kinda war where parent usually lose – kids’ control too…

Some 16 per cent of parents surveyed said they had tried to become their child’s friend on a social network.. A third of them were rejected however.

Why is it so important?
Besides being important if you’re a parent – it’s a crucial moment since debate is igniting over the 13-years minimum age limit that even Facebook is finding too limiting.

An even greater proportion of parents monitor general internet use than spy on their child’s social networking profiles, the study found. Some 76 per cent said they check internet history files for unsuitable websites.

[Via The Telegraph]

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