A Lego stop-motion masterpiece and a tribute to 8-bit videogames? Ask Rymdreglage!

Swedish group Rymdreglage (AKA Ninja Moped) has released a stunning video that’s both a tribute to 8-bit videogames – namely NES – and Lego stop-motion technique masterpiece.

They did it in just 1,500 hours using tons of lego, patience and… a Canon 7D digital camera, remotely controlled by a notebook.
Their achievement is quite unique considering the low-budget and that’s a two-men crew.

Here’s the video, check all the NES and the 80’s retro-gaming cameos!

And here, on DesignBoom, you can find some great pictures explaining the work in progress, how many paper/Lego templates were employed.

rymdreglage lego stop motion

Check here how many coloured arches were made with tiny differences:

rymdreglage lego stop motion

Rymdreglage were kind enough to share with us the inner secrets of making something so weird, yet so technically challenging: check their 3-part making tutorial!

You can even buy the song on iTunes or just check the weirdo Rymdreglage web site – and take a look at some other works of the group!

Why am I so turned on by Lego stop-motion?
I made my own video back in 1980 (I was 13 years old…) with a Super 8 Canon film camera along with a shutter cable I’m still using.
Wanna see?

Note: no Lego was apparently hurt during the video shooting.

[Via Wired and Designboom]

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