Adam Ostrow 2012 forecast about advertising and media

Mashable‘s Adam Ostrow tries to predict 2012 trends in the post 5 Key Digital Media and Advertising Trends for 2012

The top 5?

  • Social Curation and Mobile Will Drive Growth for Media Organizations
  • The Impact of the Second Screen on Television

    I love this one and will study it and try to exploit coviewing [watching TV and commenting on Twitter and Facebook]!

  • An Explosion of Content for Connected TVs
  • Connectivity in the Car Makes Autos the Next Great Platform
  • Mobile Commerce Brings it All Together

Check the full video below:

[Via Mashable]

This entry was posted in Advertising, Coviewing, Internet TV, Marketing, Media, Mobile advertisement, Mobile marketing, Online advertisement, Online shopping, Social gaming, Social initiatives, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social survey, Tech industry, Twitter, User Engagement, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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