“9-11” eleven years after: what’s today news, press and media coverage? [infographic]

Today, I woke up with a strange feeling.
To me 9/11 means several things and, as most people in the world, I remember where I was in that day and what I was doing – something personal and painful.

Then the world changed.

This morning I asked myself: “What is today media coverage of the 9/11 event, after 11 years?”

This graphics is what I came up with, assembling the home pages from New York Times, USA Today, LA Times, Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post – maybe the most viewed media websites in the USA and the world.

9-11 on web press Stefano Paganini

[Disclaimer: I don’t mean any kind of judgement at all, just report how much is today coverage on the 9/11 event in 2012.]

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