MediaPost just published this cool post, take a look!
Some hints?
Brennan Carlson, VP of strategy at Lyris, called for search terms similar to tweets in microblogging sites like Twitter. He said Google and Twitter offer analytics tools, but can’t definitively make the connection through every single click. “You can assume the connection, but we’re not quite there yet,” he said. “You would need the full firehose from Twitter and API from Google, and then you could build an algorithmic data mining modeling platform that can draw the connections using statistical analysis.”
Facts? Figures? Just look at 2012 USA Elections:
For those keeping score, discussion around jobs consistently generated the highest and the most top-of-mind issue, followed by the economy and healthcare at the 2012 Democratic national convention last week, according to a study released Monday by General Sentiment.
Take, for example, the fact that Bill Clinton generated more social buzz than President Barack Obama. Clinton’s mentions rose 1264.1%, racking up 1,322,209 mentions, compared with Obama’s 724,545 — and more than half of the online discussion about all DNC speakers, according to online social buzz tracker General Sentiment.
Although online discussion about Obama grew throughout the convention, peaking Friday at 1,192,077 mentions, his Sentiment fell more than 26% following his acceptance speech.
[Via MediaPost]