Tag Archives: Embedded controller

1 Million Raspberry PIs sold! What did Eben Upton really thought at the beginning?

I love Raspberry PI, that’s a fact! It’s the perfect computer to learn, play, build and have fun. As reported by TechCrunch: To celebrate the company released this cute info graphic, informing us that, if stacked end to end, a … Continue reading

Posted in DIY, Electronics, Programming, Raspberry Pi | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

A $25 computer? Meet the Rasperry Pi: that little device that could be the one!

It’s tiny, slow and cost $25 – yet it still runs Linux. No, it’s not you grandfather ‘486 you’re so eager to revive with some fancy distro of Linux. It’s the Raspberry Pi: the first – ever – attempt to … Continue reading

Posted in Design, Development, DIY, Hacking, Hardware, Internet TV, Linux, Maker, Raspberry Pi, Tweaking | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment