Tag Archives: Woz

Homebrew Computer Club turns to Kickstarter for reunion

November 11th: a historic event will take place, the Homebrew Computer Club reunion. Yes, the venerable old HCC is reuniting at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Thanks to a successuful Kickstarter campaign, at least 25 original members … Continue reading

Posted in History, Homebrewing, Kickstarter, Museum, Retrocomputer, Retrogaming, Social initiatives, Tech industry, Technology, Youtube | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Concept commercial: how Apple though 1997 would be as seen from 1987…

This is actually computing archaeology… Here comes a concept commercial (never aired, AFAIK) from Apple with a very curious forecasting of 10 years from… 1987. This is how John Sculley (along with all the guys running Apple those days) imagined … Continue reading

Posted in Advertising, Apple, Tech industry, Television, TV ads, Video, Youtube | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment