The companies-customer honeymoon: an infographic about Social Media usage and brand loyalty building

I love infographics, I’m into deep with Social Media so it’s natural for me to get crazy when someone make ends meet like this.
The Atlantic‘s Nicholas Jackson reports on … a report!

It’s about building brand loyalty through smart usage and empowerment of social media/network/tools.

A vast majority of Fortune 500 companies surveyed by the Center for Marketing at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth found the use of all forms of social media — Facebook and Twitter, but also podcasting, blogging and more — to be an effective use of time and resources.
Socialcast built that survey into an infographic that more broadly examines the role social media can play in helping businesses to reach their customers and build brand loyalty.

An amazing result, among others.

The Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth conducted a study from 2007 to 2009 on the use of social media in Fortune 500 companies. They found that about 80 percent or more of those surveyed found blogging, online video and podcasting to be successful uses of time and resources.

A message loud and clear for all non-Fortune-500 companies?
Hope so!

Thanks Nicholas and SocialCast too!

infographic social media socialcast

[Via The Atlantic]

This entry was posted in Advertising, Digital media, Economy, Entrepreneurship, Facebook, Financial, Infographic, Job search, Linkedin, Marketing, Mobile marketing, Social initiatives, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social survey, Tech industry, User survey, Web 2.0, Web Marketing and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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