Google in the 60’s: here’s how it would look to Mad Men if they were googlin’ around

google 60s mad men masswerk stefano paganiniAustrian company Masswerk built a very compelling Google front-end: Google60.

It looks like an fictional System 362 (not a real IBM System 360 – a historical mainframe) with a not-so fictional user interface that’s straight from the 60s.

That’s exactly what characters from Mad Men would see if they were using Google… in the 60s.

google 60s mad men control panel masswerk stefano paganiniTechnically speaking, it’s a Flash interface to Google that resembles punched cards, right from the past.

You can use a 60s keyboard and a special control panel to enter your search keyword then… patiently waiting for a dot-matrix printer to print out your results.

Speed wasn’t an issue in the 60s.

Go and try for yourself Google60, nice jobs Masswerk!

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