Tag Archives: Facebook application

ING-DiBa Bank features an unusual Basket challenge: high yields in user engagement with the ‘Free Throw’ tournament

German bank ING-DiBa Bank sponsors the Basketball league in Germany and wanted to connect their offering to a younger audience at Basketball events across the country… So they aimed to leverage smart phones to create an interactive experience anyone could … Continue reading

Posted in Android, App world, Augmented reality, Case Study, Facebook, Facebook App, Fun, Gaming, Online Gaming, Social gaming, Social initiatives, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, User Engagement, User experience, Videogames | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Facebook goes shopping and acquires Instagram; price tag: $1 billion

Breaking news: Facebook shoots a nice picture! Facebook is buying Instagram according to this post by Mark Zuckerberg. This is an important milestone for Facebook because it’s the first time we’ve ever acquired a product and company with so many … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Business Model, Business Plan, Digital life, Digital media, Digital photography, Facebook, Facebook IPO, Instagram, iOS, iPhone, Photo, Photography, Social Era, Social family, social habits, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social news | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Facebook app top gainers: watch out for Draw Something and BranchOut!

This week top Facebook app movers were, according to InsideFacebook: # Name MAU Gain Gain,% 1. Draw Something 12,900,000 +7,700,000 + 148% 2. Angry Birds 12,800,000 +6,000,000 + 88% 3. BranchOut 7,800,000 +1,500,000 + 24% Draw Something by OMGPOP had … Continue reading

Posted in App world, Facebook, Facebook Advertising, Facebook App, Facebook Pages, Job search, Job seeking, Social gaming, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social survey, Software | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Facebook iOS app, Apple and the HP TouchPad: a story of war and peace…

Mashable reports on two really interesting news: – a supposedly would-be war between Facebook and Apple about the now defunct HP TouchPad and a dedicated Facebook app (that never was), – the upcoming (and much awaited) Facebook iPad app, that … Continue reading

Posted in App world, Apple, Facebook, HP, iOS, iOS 5, iPad, iPad 2, iPhone, Social network | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Valentine’s Day, social networks, social media and apps: is it true love?

Social events like Valentine’s Day sparkle imagination about social networks new ideas, social media coverage and new mobile apps bringing a new users’ experience to well-known phenomena. So what is all about Valentine’s Day? A one-to-one communication process should occur … Continue reading

Posted in App world, Facebook, Google, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mobile marketing, Social Media, Twitter, Uncategorized, Web, Web Marketing | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment